How To Run The International Speech Contest

International speeches should be original speeches of 5-7 minutes. They can be given on any subject, and can be serious, funny, or inspirational. The International Speech Contest is held at the Club, Area, Division, District, and International level, and as it goes all the way to the International level, it is the most important of all the Toastmaster contests, and where the World Champion of Public Speaking is decided! In order to be a contestant in this contest, a Toastmaster must have completed at least 6 speeches from the Competent Communicator or Pathways Program.

Check out past World Championship winners of International Speech Contests:

Running an International Speech Contest is an exciting and rewarding experience.  Here are the resources you need to run the contest:

GATM Speech Contest Kit

Workplan —

Developed by GATM members, the GATM Speech Contest Workplan includes the following: 

  • Schedule
  • Participant Roster – Contestants, Judges, Volunteers
  • Forms Received List
  • Speaker Order Ballots

GATM Contest Emails —

Developed by GATM members, the GATM emails document includes sample emails to be sent to:

  • Participants – Recruiting
  • Contestants
  • Timers
  • Sergeant At Arms
  • Judges
  • Ballot Counters

GATM Contest Scripts —

Developed by GATM members, the GATM International Speech Contest Scripts include the:

  • Contest Chair’s Script
  • Chief Judge’s Script (coming soon)

GATM Agenda / Program —

Developed by GATM members, the GATM Speech Contest Agenda is the program for the night.  One program covers both the International and Evaluation contests because they are typically held on the same night.

TMI International Speech Contest Kit – Rules and Forms

Many of the resources for the contest can be found in the members area (login required) of the Toastmasters International site. 
The International Speech Contest Kit – from Toastmasters International includes the following:

  • Speech Contest Rulebooks
  • Speech Contestant Profile
  • Speakers Certification of Eligibility and Originality
  • Judge’s Certification of Eligibility and Code of Ethics
  • Judge’s Guides and Ballots
  • Tiebreaking Judge’s Guides and Ballot
  • Time Record Sheets and Instructions
  • Counters’ Tally Sheets
  • Results Form
  • Notification of Contest Winner
  • Speech Contest Certificates

How To Run The Mary Heary Tall Tales Speech Contest

Tall Tales Speeches are 3 to 5 minutes in length. They are full of exaggerated truths and unbelievable stories.  According to Westside Toastmasters, a Tall Tale should Include the following features:  a character with extraordinary abilities and a specific goal; a problem that is solved in a humorous way; a careful blend of exaggerated and credible details; and a comical endingThis is an optional contest that is hosted by some Clubs and Areas – but not at the Division or District level.

Running a Tall Tales Contest is an exciting and rewarding experience.  Here are the resources you need to run the contest:



Developed by GATM members, the GATM Speech Contest Workplan includes the:

  • Schedule
  • Participant Roster – Contestants, Judges, Volunteers
  • Forms Received List
  • Speaker Order Ballots

GATM Contest Emails —

Developed by GATM members, the GATM Emails document includes sample emails to be sent to:

  • Participants – Recruiting
  • Contestants
  • Judges
  • Sergeant At Arms
  • Timers
  • Ballot Counters

GATM Contest Scripts —

Developed by GATM members, the GATM Tall Tales Contest Script includes the full script for the Tall Tales Contest.

GATM Agenda / Program —

Developed by GATM members, the GATM Speech Contest Agenda is the program for the night.


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Many of the resources for the contest can be found in the members area (login required) of the Toastmasters International site. 
The Tall Tales Contest Kit from Toastmasters International includes the following:

How To Run The Evaluation Contest

The Evaluation Contest is 2 to 3 minutes in length. All of the evaluation contestants must evaluate the same speech, so a test speaker from outside the club is brought in to present one speech to the entire group. The contestants are then taken from the room and given five minutes to prepare their evaluations. Then they come back into the room, and one by one, deliver their evaluations.  The Evaluation Contest is held at the Club, Area, Division, and District level.

Running an Evaluation Contest is an exciting and rewarding experience.  Here are the resources you need to run the contest:

GATM Evaluation Contest Kit

Workplan —

Developed by GATM members, the GATM Speech Contest Workplan includes the following: 

  • Schedule
  • Participant Roster – Contestants, Judges, Volunteers
  • Forms Received List
  • Speaker Order Ballots

GATM Contest Emails —

Developed by GATM members, the GATM emails document includes sample emails to be sent to:

  • Participants – Recruiting
  • Contestants
  • Timers
  • Sergeant At Arms
  • Judges
  • Ballot Counters

GATM Contest Scripts —

Developed by GATM members, the GATM Evaluation Contest Scripts include the:

  • Contest Chair’s Script 
  • Chief Judge’s Script (coming soon)

GATM Agenda / Program —

Developed by GATM members, the GATM Evaluation Contest Agenda is the program for the night.  One program covers both the International and Evaluation contests because they are typically held on the same night.

TMI Evaluation Contest Kit – Rules and Forms

Many of the resources for the contest can be found in the members area (login required) of the Toastmasters International site. 
The Evaluation Contest Kit – from Toastmasters International includes the following:

  • Speech Contest Rulebooks
  • Speech Contestant Profile
  • Judge’s Certification of Eligibility and Code of Ethics
  • Judge’s Guides and Ballots
  • Tiebreaking Judge’s Guides and Ballot
  • Time Record Sheets and Instructions
  • Counters’ Tally Sheets
  • Results Form
  • Notification of Contest Winner
  • Speech Contest Certificates

How To Run The Humorous Speech Conteest

Humorous Speeches are 5 to 7 minutes long.  They should be thematic in nature (having an opening, body, and close), contain original content, use clean humour, and not be a monologue. The Humorous Speech Contest is held at the Club, Area, Division, and District level.

 Running a Humorous Speech Contest is an exciting and rewarding experience.  Here are the resources you need to run the contest:



Developed by GATM members, the GATM Speech Contest Workplan includes the following:

  • Schedule
  • Participant Roster – Contestants, Judges, Volunteers
  • Forms Received List
  • Speaker Order Ballots

GATM Contest Emails —

Developed by GATM members, the GATM emails document includes sample emails to be sent to:

  • Participants – Recruiting
  • Contestants
  • Timers
  • Sergeant At Arms
  • Judges
  • Ballot Counters

GATM Contest Scripts —

The GATM Humorous Speech Contest Script includes the:

  • Contest Chair and Chief Judge’s Scripts 

GATM Agenda / Program —

Developed by GATM members, the GATM Humorous Speech Contest Agenda is the program for the night.  One program covers both the Humorous Speech and Table Topic contests.


Many of the resources for the contest can be found in the members area (login required) of the Toastmasters International site. 
The Humorous Speech Contest Kit from Toastmasters International includes the following:

  • Speech Contest Rulebooks
  • Speech Contestant Profile
  • Speakers Certification of Eligibility and Originality
  • Judge’s Certification of Eligibility and Code of Ethics
  • Judge’s Guides and Ballots
  • Tiebreaking Judge’s Guides and Ballot
  • Time Record Sheets and Instructions
  • Counters’ Tally Sheets
  • Results Form
  • Notification of Contest Winner
  • Speech Contest Certificates

How To Run The Table Topics Speech Contest

Table Topics are 1-2 minutes long.  They are impromptu speeches given on a topic that the speaker has no prior knowledge of. The contest is held at the Club, Area, Division, and District level.

Running an Table Topics Contest is an exciting and rewarding experience.  Here are the resources you need to run the contest:

GATM Contest Materials – How To Run A Contest

Workplan —

Developed by GATM members, the GATM Speech Contest Workplan includes the following:

  • Schedule
  • Participant Roster – Contestants, Judges, Volunteers
  • Forms Received List
  • Speaker Order Ballots

GATM Contest Emails —

Developed by GATM members, the GATM Emails document include sample emails to be sent to:

  • Participants – Recruiting
  • Contestants
  • Timers
  • Sergeant At Arms
  • Judges
  • Ballot Counters

GATM Contest Scripts —

The GATM Table Topics Contest Script includes the:

  • Contest Chair and Chief Judge’s Scripts

GATM Agenda / Program —

Developed by GATM members, the GATM Table Topics Contest Agenda is the program for the night.  One program covers both the Humorous and Table Topic contests.

TMI International Speech Contest Kit – Rules and Forms

Many of the resources for the contest can be found in the members area (login required) of the Toastmasters International site. 
The Table Topics Contest Kit – from Toastmasters International includes the following: 

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