Spring Is Just Around The Corner Meeting 2021
GATM welcomed spring on March 17th 2021 with a session theme “Spring is just around the corner!” and springy backgrounds.
Hello Spring from Glen Abbey Toastmasters!
GATM welcomed spring on March 17th 2021 with a session theme “Spring is just around the corner!” and springy backgrounds.
Hello Spring from Glen Abbey Toastmasters!
Everything was coming up hearts at the February 11th Valentines Day themed meeting at Glen Abbey Toastmasters.
Chair Gordon Vuong led the theme by sharing: This week, there are three big holidays that celebrate love – Valentine’s Day, Family Day, and Chinese Lunar New Year. The meeting theme was The Love You Give.
And he challenged everyone to wear red or have red in their backgrounds. Of course Glen Abbey Toastmasters delivered. Great meeting!
We’re thrilled for two Glen Abbey Toastmasters: Zehra Reza and Krista Rowan. They placed first and second in the Area 83 International Speech contest which was held online on February 26, 2021.
This means that they will both move up to compete with contestants from other areas in the Division D contest on Feb 20th 2021. Congratulations to both of them from the GATM family!
International speeches should be original speeches of 5-7 minutes. They can be given on any subject, and can be serious, funny, or inspirational. The International Speech Contest is held at the Club, Area, Division, District, and International level, and as it goes all the way to the International level, it is the most important of all the Toastmaster contests, and where the World Champion of Public Speaking is decided! In order to be a contestant in this contest, a Toastmaster must have completed at least 6 speeches from the Competent Communicator or Pathways Program.
The Glen Abbey Toastmasters Handook is designed to guide you in understanding the information you require to participate confidently in all Club meetings.
In order for you to excel at the meeting roles with confidence:
Excel in your Toastmasters experience and realize that you are now a member of an outstanding, dedicated group of individuals that will support you in your communication and leadership goals. Our club is very committed to creating a fun and comfortable learning environment to help you grow in your speaking skills. Be proud that you are an integral part of the Glen Abbey Toastmasters Club.
The Chairperson is the most important function of the meeting. The Chairperson is like the conductor. Your job is to ensure all is in harmony and the meeting flows smoothly.
The meeting is two hours long.
It is the responsibility of the Chair to keep the meeting on time.
The Sargeant At Arms will introduce you.
[After being introduced by the Sargeant At Arms, the Chairperson comes to the lectern and takes the gavel from the Sargeant At Arms to indicate he/she is in control].
Thank you Toastmaster………………………………….
Good Evening fellow Toastmasters and Guests. Welcome to Glen Abbey Toastmasters weekly meeting. We have a great meeting in store for you. So sit back, relax and have fun.
The theme tonight is ……………………………explain theme………………………………………
Spend 2-3 minutes providing a great opening for the meeting, speaking about your theme and why it matters to the people attending this evening.
I’d like to introduce our officers for the meeting tonight. As I call the names of the officers, please rise and remain standing. Would the rest of the audience kindly hold their applause until I have completed all the introductions.
Fellow Toastmasters and Guests, these are the officers for tonight’s meeting: [Lead applause]
We have ……………………..guests this evening, and we’d like to introduce you to everyone now.
[After each guest has been introduced lead applause, welcome them, and say…]
At the end of the meeting, you’ll be given the opportunity to say a few words about you impressions / experience about this meeting tonight. Enjoy
It’s now time for the Toast. Toastmastaster ………………………, would you kindly like to give the toast.
Thank you Toastmaster ………………………………………….[Lead applause]
Toastmaster ………………………….., could you kindly stand up and explain your role as Grammarian this evening
[ Grammarian Role ]
Thank you Toastmaster ……………………………………… [lead applause]
Toastmaster………………………………………………………………, could you kindly stand up and explain your role as Quizmaster this evening.
[ Quizmaster Role ]
Thank you Toastmaster…………………………………………………..[lead applause]
Now we come to the fun part of our evening – Table Topics. And to conduct that session, I would like to introduce our Table Topics Master this evening Toastmaster………………………….[lead applause]
Thank you Toastmaster ……………………………..for the wonderful Table Topics session. [lead applause]
[If there is an educational session, introduce the person and their topic. At the end , thank them].
I would now like to start the Business session [Bang gavel].
Option 1. If you are dispensing with the reading of the minutes, indicate this and confirm that they have been distributed to all members.
Option 2. Could the secretary please read the minutes of the last meeting.
Are there any errors or omissions in the minutes?
[Listen to all comments and ask the secretary to make the necessary corrections]
If there are no comments then I would like to declare the minutes approved as read (or corrected, as the case may be). [Bang the gavel].
Is there any business arising from the minutes? Is there any other unfinished business to discuss? [Address each one accordingly]
Do we have any Officers’ reports?
Do we have any Committee reports? [Standing and Special committees]
Do we have any Ambassador reports?
(Optional) During the Share your Greatness segment, I would like to invite one Toastmaster to share how Toastmasters has helped improve his/her life outside the Club.
Now we are going to start our New Business session. May I ask the Timekeeper to turn on the red light and ring the bell after ………. minutes (usually 10 minutes but it may vary depending on schedule).
Is there any item of new business to be tabled at this meeting?
[This is where a new motion may be tabled. See parliamentary procedures on motion rules and regulations on the following pages. Also have your Robert’s Rules book handy and do call upon your parliamentarian when in doubt.
Ensure that all items/motions brought up for discussion is properly disposed of.
Usually this session ends when the Timekeepers gives the red light. Otherwise, you may want to say:].
Having no further items of business, if there are no objections, I will now declare the business session closed. [Bang gavel]
Could the Parliamentarian please give his/her report. [At the end of the report, thank the parliamentarian and lead applause]
Now I would like to Recess for …… minutes. May I ask the Timekeeper to turn of the red light and ring the bell with the time is up?
[At the end of the recess, the SAA will bang the gavel to let everyone know that recess is over. The SAA will introduce the Toastmaster.]
[At the end of the Prepared Speeches session, after the General Evaluator has given the awards.]
Thank you Toastmaster ……………………………. for enlightening us with a wonderful Prepared Speeches Session. [lead applause]
I would like to reward a person who has helped making this meeting great by ……………
……………………………………………………………….. [Call this person to the lectern and give him/her a ribbon.]
[At this point, invite guests to give their comments.]
Since participation is the key to self-improvement at Toastmasters meeting, I would like to ask our guests for their comments on tonight’s meeting. [Make sure you have the guests’ names and thank each one warmly.]
Is there any other business to be discussed for the good of Toastmasters?
If there is no other business, I declare this meeting adjourned. The time is now ………….
The Toast should be given to a single person, or sometimes a group.
To give the toast:
After the toast, say: “Please be seated”, and sit down.
1-3 minutes in length.
Occasion and special events are always an opportunity for GATM members to be creative, have fun and celebrate our wonderful culture!
In our online 2020 Christmas party, we played “Would you rather …” questions and answers, danced, stretched together and talked about 2020 highlights in our lives and what we were looking forward to in 2021.
Not only did we have fun before the Holidays, but also we learned more about each other.
This is how the GATM family celebrated Christmas and welcomed 2021!
Thank you Mr./Madam Chairperson for this kind introduction.
Now we come to the impromptu speaking portion of the evening, Table Topics.
The benefits of impromptu speaking are many and 3 of the most important are:
The timing for each speech is 1 minute. Mr./Madame Timekeeper, please note the times:
First Table Topic goes to <choose a person>.
(It’s a good idea to mix experienced members with guests)
[Repeat this process for each speaker.]
Please use the ballot in front of you to vote for the Best Table Topics speaker.
That concludes my function as your Table Topics Master and thank you for your active participation.
I will now return the control to our Chairperson of the evening <Toastmaster Name>
We celebrated Halloween at GlenAbbey Toastmasters like never before!
Unlike other years that we had an in-person celebration for Halloween, we met online for this year. However, that did not stop us from wearing costumes and having fun.
We changed our names to scary ones and told terrifying stories! This was one of the most memorable halloween celebrations at GATM!
Give a two to three minute speech on a subject that is important to you.
This should be:
2-3 minutes maximum – the average time it usually takes to give your point of view in any social situation.
Glen Abbey Toastmasters won the Membership Leadership at the District level in 2019/2020!
The Membership Leadership Award is given to the club with the highest number of points in the Membership Leadership category – clubs who have successfully grown their membership base.
In 2019/2020,18 new members have joined our club despite the challenges that all the clubs because of the pandemic.
Congratulations to GlenAbbey Toastmasters and the 2019/2020 executive team!
When introduced by the Toastmaster, please state the following:
Greetings Mr./Madam Toastmaster, fellow Toastmasters, and guests.
As Timer, I will time the table topics speakers, formal speeches, and the evaluations.
I will also alert each speaker of the time they have left, using the green, yellow, and red cards, which denote specific times remaining.
Thank you Mr./Madam Toastmaster.
Zoom Backgrounds – Download Zoom backgrounds from Toastmasters International
Table Topics Speakers should limit their remarks to no more than 2 minutes.
• At 30 seconds, I will raise the green card.
• At 45 seconds, I will raise the yellow card.
• At 1 minute, I will raise the red card.
Ice Breaker speeches should be 4-6 minutes in length.
• At 4 minutes, I will raise the green card.
• At 5 minutes, I will raise the yellow card.
• At 6 minutes, I will raise the red card.
Most other speeches will be 5-7 minutes in length.
People giving speeches outside of these times will advise their evaluator, and the evaluator will advise the timekeeper.
• At 5 minutes, I will raise the green card.
• At 6 minutes, I will raise the yellow card.
• At 7 minutes, I will raise the red card.
The individual evaluations should be between 2-3 minutes.
• At 2 minutes, I will raise the green card.
• At 2 minutes and 30 seconds, I will raise the yellow card.
• At 3 minutes, I will raise the red card.
The secretary role has two tasks:
The secretary goes to the Minutes of the Meetings binder and takes the minutes from the previous week. As well, s/he takes a new minute’s template to be filled during this current meeting.
At the start of the meeting, when the secretary is asked to read the minutes of the past meeting, s/he will read the section clearly marked to be read.
During the meeting, as it proceeds, s/he will fill in the information requested.
At the end of the meeting, s/he will put back the previous meeting’s minutes, as well as the current meeting’s minutes in the Minutes of the Meetings binder.
This will then be available for the next week’s secretary. The Minutes of the Meeting binder is kept on premises.
2-3 minutes maximum
The Chairperson will email you to confirm your assignment. Ask for the evening’s theme to incorporate it in your portion of the program.
Get Speaker Info:
Get General Evaluator info:
Plan opening comments, which will set the stage for speakers and enthuse the audience.
Thank you Mr./Madam Chairman for that flattering introduction. Fellow Toastmasters and guests, I would now like to welcome you to the Prepared Speeches portion of the meeting. This really is the heart of Toastmasters, where members deliver speeches on a subject that they have selected and researched.
My duty here tonight will be to act as your host for this part of the meeting, which consists of a), Prepared speeches b) Evaluations c) Grammarian’s Report and the Quiz Master’s Report.
During the prepared speeches session, our Toastmasters have the opportunity to put their speaking skills to work on a selected subject that they have thoroughly researched. Much time goes into the preparation and practice for these speeches.
During the General Evaluation, Toastmasters receive valuable constructive feedback regarding their speeches and their performance in the various tasks that have been assigned to them during the course of the meeting
Evaluation forms: To assist each speaker and to develop your own listening skills, special feedback forms have been provided to each of you here. These forms are to be used to provide written feedback to the speakers.
There is also a ballot for: a) the Best Speaker, and b) the Best Evaluator.
You are strongly encouraged to use these forms during the meetings.
For the benefit of the guests: [if guests are present and if time permits]
The Toastmasters program is based on curriculum projects called “pathways.” There are 11 specialised learning paths that give Toastmasters the opportunity to build more than 300 unique skillset competencies. Each pathway contains five levels.
These pathways guide the speakers through the basic steps of good public speaking and leadership training, each project building upon the skills learned in the previous speeches.
Tonight we will have the pleasure of listening to ………………. prepared speeches.
Our first speaker will be Evaluated by Toastmaster:____________. Could I ask the evaluator to outline the Speech Manual, the number and the objectives of the speech. If the evaluator does not outline the time please confirm what the timing is so that the timekeeper has it.
Before I introduce our first speaker, I would like to explain timing procedures for our Timekeeper:
This speech is …….. minutes long and I would like to have the Green Light at …. minutes, Yellow at …. minutes and Red at …. minutes.
[Explain the reasons for timing speakers and the fact that speakers who do not speak within the assigned time will not be eligible to the vote for “Best Speaker”.]
Our first speaker ….[give relevant information] ………………………………………………… Fellow Toastmasters, please help me welcome our first speaker [Announce “Speaker’s name”, “Speech title”, “Speech title”, “Speaker’s name” ]
[Lead applause upon completion of the speech and thank the speaker]
Thank you Toastmaster ………………………………………………
Please take a minute to give the speaker your written feedback on the special forms provided. [Repeat this process for the second and third speakers.]
[After the last speech]
This concludes the Prepared Speeches portion for this evening. To summarize, we have heard the following speakers:
Speaker Name – Title of Speech
Speaker Name – Title of Speech
Speaker Name – Title of Speech
Could the Timekeeper give the official time of the speeches?
[At your discretion, exclude from the vote any speakers with timing infractions]
Using the appropriate ballot form in front of you, please take a moment to vote for the Best Speaker for the evening. For the benefits of those who are not familiar with the voting procedure, I would like to point out that the best speaker is the speaker who best achieved the required objectives of his/her speech project. Could the Sergeant At Arms please collect the ballots.
Now we have come to the Evaluation part of the evening, the evaluation of Prepared Speeches
Let me begin the evaluation of prepared speeches, which will be done by assigned evaluators. Before I introduce our first evaluator I would like to explain the timing procedures:
Madam/Mr. Timekeeper could you please give the Green light at 2 minutes, the Yellow at 2 minutes and 30 seconds, and the Red at 3 minutes. After the red light, the evaluators will have 30 seconds to wrap up.
[Explain the reasons for timing evaluators and the fact that evaluators who do not speak within the assigned time will not be eligible to the vote for “Best Evaluator”.]
You have just heard three evaluations from:
Mr./Madam Timekeeper, may I have the timings for the evaluations?
[At your discretion, exclude from the vote any evaluators with timing infractions]
Could you please take a minute to vote for the best evaluator.
Grammarian’s Report: Could I have the Grammarian’s Report? [Presentation of report]
Quizmasters Report: Could we now hear the Quizmaster’s Report? [Presentation of report]
Our General Evaluator for this meeting is …………………………………….. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming our General Evaluator for this evening’s program, Toastmaster ………………
Toastmasters Job Is Done———–
The role of the Quizmaster is truly an exercise in expanding everyone’s listening skills. There are two basic responsibilities:
The Parliamentarian observes the Business Session to keep track of parliamentary procedures in action. The Parliamentarian is usually an experienced Toastmaster who understands Robert’s Rules of order.
The Parliamentarian assists the Chairperson during the business session, upon the Chairperson’s request. He or she can advise on the order of business, how to proceed next, how to handle ambiguous motions, etc., at the Chair’s discretion.
The Parliamentarian gives a brief report at the end of the business session. He or she comments on how well and how fairly the Chairperson carried out the majority’s wishes regarding the business of the day. He or she also offers suggestions for improvement.
Being a Grammarian is truly an exercise in expanding your listening skills. There are three responsibilities.
It is a good idea to bring a dictionary.
When introduced, explain the role of the Grammarian.
Then place the word of the day along with it’s definition and usage into the chat box.
When called by the General Evaluator, stand by your chair and give your report:
In this role, it is not necessary to name Toastmasters who make errors. Give special attention to those who used language in great ways!
The Chair will email the roster to everyone, and ask for confirmation of attendance. Evaluators will be asked to confirm their attendance to you. Follow up with them if they do not respond prior to the meeting. Evaluators should have their own replacements, if necessary.
Role | Member Name | Notes |
Chairperson |
Sergeant At Arms |
Greeter |
Timekeeper |
Toast |
Grammarian |
Quizmaster |
Table Topics Master |
Educational/Point of View |
Parliamentarian |
Toastmaster |
Other |
Evaluator’s Name | What was good in the evaluation | What would make it better | Something positive about the evaluation |
| |
Thank you Toastmaster ……………….. for that nice introduction, and welcome to the last part of the Prepared Speeches Session, the Evaluation.
The function of a General Evaluator is to provide feedback to the meeting’s participants. It is like holding up a mirror to reflect your performance back you. Feedback is an essential element of the learning process and is meant to encourage the drive to excellence and self-improvement.
My report is in 2 parts:
Timekeeper, may I have the green at 4 minutes, amber at 5 minutes, and red at 6 minutes.
Give the report following the instructions and using the forms above
At the end of your report, highlight something positive or funny about one aspect – just one – such as the club, the members, the progress of some members, the theme of the evening, the way you feel, etc. You are one of the last people to speak. It is essential to leave the audience with a good feeling about the meeting.
It is now your role to hand out the awards for Best Table topic, Best Evaluator and Best Speaker. Lead the applause and encourage the crowd to cheer the winners!
Return control back to the Chair.
last updated January 15, 2021
We had our Halloween improv meeting on October 30, 2019! Everyone looked great in their costumes, and we had a lot of fun with the Improv.