The Chairperson is the most important function of the meeting. The Chairperson is like the conductor. Your job is to ensure all is in harmony and the meeting flows smoothly.
Two Weeks Prior To The Meeting
- Develop your theme for the meeting
- Discuss with the Toastmaster for the evening ideas to make the theme / meeting great.
One Week Prior To The Meeting
- Send out the meeting theme / roster (based on the roster developed by the VP Education)
- Ask Speakers to confirm with the Chair and the Toastmaster
- Ask Evaluators to confirm with the Chair and General Evaluator
- Ask everyone else to confirm with the Chair
- Review your parliamentary procedures
- Confirm all assignments preferably by Sunday (3 days before the meeting)
- Prepare the agenda for the meeting by Wednesday
The meeting is two hours long.
It is the responsibility of the Chair to keep the meeting on time.
During The Meeting
The Sargeant At Arms will introduce you.
[After being introduced by the Sargeant At Arms, the Chairperson comes to the lectern and takes the gavel from the Sargeant At Arms to indicate he/she is in control].
Thank you Toastmaster………………………………….
Good Evening fellow Toastmasters and Guests. Welcome to Glen Abbey Toastmasters weekly meeting. We have a great meeting in store for you. So sit back, relax and have fun.
The theme tonight is ……………………………explain theme………………………………………
Spend 2-3 minutes providing a great opening for the meeting, speaking about your theme and why it matters to the people attending this evening.
Introduction of Officers
I’d like to introduce our officers for the meeting tonight. As I call the names of the officers, please rise and remain standing. Would the rest of the audience kindly hold their applause until I have completed all the introductions.
- The Toastmaster this evening is: …………
- The General Evaluator is: …………
- The Toast will be given by:
- The Table Topics Master is: …………
- The Secretary is: …………
- The Sergeant-At-Arms is: ……………
- The Parliamentarian is:…………………..
- The Timekeeper is: …………
- The Grammarian is: …………
- The Quizmaster is: …………
- And I am your Chair this evening……………………
Fellow Toastmasters and Guests, these are the officers for tonight’s meeting: [Lead applause]
Introduction of Guests
We have ……………………..guests this evening, and we’d like to introduce you to everyone now.
- Toastmaster ……………………. would you like to introduce your guest?
- Toastmaster ……………………. would you like to introduce your guest?
- Toastmaster ……………………. would you like to introduce your guest?
- Toastmaster ……………………. would you like to introduce your guest?
- Toastmaster ……………………. would you like to introduce your guest?
[After each guest has been introduced lead applause, welcome them, and say…]
At the end of the meeting, you’ll be given the opportunity to say a few words about you impressions / experience about this meeting tonight. Enjoy
It’s now time for the Toast. Toastmastaster ………………………, would you kindly like to give the toast.
Thank you Toastmaster ………………………………………….[Lead applause]
Introduction of Grammarian
Toastmaster ………………………….., could you kindly stand up and explain your role as Grammarian this evening
[ Grammarian Role ]
Thank you Toastmaster ……………………………………… [lead applause]
Toastmaster………………………………………………………………, could you kindly stand up and explain your role as Quizmaster this evening.
[ Quizmaster Role ]
Thank you Toastmaster…………………………………………………..[lead applause]
Table Topics
Now we come to the fun part of our evening – Table Topics. And to conduct that session, I would like to introduce our Table Topics Master this evening Toastmaster………………………….[lead applause]
Thank you Toastmaster ……………………………..for the wonderful Table Topics session. [lead applause]
Education Session
[If there is an educational session, introduce the person and their topic. At the end , thank them].
Business Session
I would now like to start the Business session [Bang gavel].
Option 1. If you are dispensing with the reading of the minutes, indicate this and confirm that they have been distributed to all members.
Option 2. Could the secretary please read the minutes of the last meeting.
Are there any errors or omissions in the minutes?
[Listen to all comments and ask the secretary to make the necessary corrections]
If there are no comments then I would like to declare the minutes approved as read (or corrected, as the case may be). [Bang the gavel].
Is there any business arising from the minutes? Is there any other unfinished business to discuss? [Address each one accordingly]
Do we have any Officers’ reports?
Do we have any Committee reports? [Standing and Special committees]
Do we have any Ambassador reports?
(Optional) During the Share your Greatness segment, I would like to invite one Toastmaster to share how Toastmasters has helped improve his/her life outside the Club.
New Business Session
Now we are going to start our New Business session. May I ask the Timekeeper to turn on the red light and ring the bell after ………. minutes (usually 10 minutes but it may vary depending on schedule).
Is there any item of new business to be tabled at this meeting?
[This is where a new motion may be tabled. See parliamentary procedures on motion rules and regulations on the following pages. Also have your Robert’s Rules book handy and do call upon your parliamentarian when in doubt.
Ensure that all items/motions brought up for discussion is properly disposed of.
Usually this session ends when the Timekeepers gives the red light. Otherwise, you may want to say:].
Having no further items of business, if there are no objections, I will now declare the business session closed. [Bang gavel]
Parliamentarian Report
Could the Parliamentarian please give his/her report. [At the end of the report, thank the parliamentarian and lead applause]
Now I would like to Recess for …… minutes. May I ask the Timekeeper to turn of the red light and ring the bell with the time is up?
[At the end of the recess, the SAA will bang the gavel to let everyone know that recess is over. The SAA will introduce the Toastmaster.]
Prepared Speeches
[At the end of the Prepared Speeches session, after the General Evaluator has given the awards.]
Thank you Toastmaster ……………………………. for enlightening us with a wonderful Prepared Speeches Session. [lead applause]
Great Toastmaster of the Evening
I would like to reward a person who has helped making this meeting great by ……………
……………………………………………………………….. [Call this person to the lectern and give him/her a ribbon.]
Guests’ Comments
[At this point, invite guests to give their comments.]
Since participation is the key to self-improvement at Toastmasters meeting, I would like to ask our guests for their comments on tonight’s meeting. [Make sure you have the guests’ names and thank each one warmly.]
Final Comments
Is there any other business to be discussed for the good of Toastmasters?
If there is no other business, I declare this meeting adjourned. The time is now ………….